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Monday, March 12, 2007

Your perfect house help: A Robot to serve you tea, and even do the chores

Robotics: Futuristic Robot designed to obey commands, serve tea andn even do the dishes
Japanese researchers have designed a futuristic HRP-2W humanoid robot, fitted with camera eyes, sensors and rolling on wheels, that is capable of performing those pesky household tasks. This could turn out as a most welcome boon to a nation with the highest proportion of people aged 65 and above. Of particular interest is the robot’s ability to obey simple verbal commands, its courteousness and even learn from its mistakes!
The humanoid’s capabilities were demonstrated in a typical home-like setting. The robot was dressed in an apron and had kitchen gloves. It approached one of its instructors, courteously offered to serve tea and later went to the kitchen after receiving the order. Soon after, another humanoid poured tea into a cup from a plastic bottle. In addition to this, the tea-pouring robot is capable of washing dishes.
The research team behind this fascinating marvel feels that there is still plenty of unfinished business. Their immediate focus is to empower the robot with memory to enable it make sound judgment from unforeseen situations, such as accidentally dropping a cup. Should this happen, the robot will memorize this information and learn to hold the cup firmly next time round.
In conclusion, such advances in artificial intelligence would be applied in caring for the sick and elderly as well as carrying out simple tasks. For now, a human servant (or waiter) is faster but you may have to say “thank you” and probably offer a tip. :-)